Detailed Course Outline
Module 1: Course Overview
- Introduce the course overview, agenda, and logistics
Module 2: What’s New in Data Protector 11. x
- Explain new enhancements and features of Data Protector 11.0
Module 3: VMware Basics
- Describe the VMware core components and features of a typical VMware environment
- Work with VMware’s vSphere clients
Module 4: VMware Technologies
- Use Change Block Tracking (CBT)
- Describe Quiescence
- Explain the VMware Snapshot technology
- Describe the different transportation modes
- Explain VMware vVol and 3PAR Virtual Volume
- Describe the VMware Tools
Module 5: VEAgent
- Describe the advantages of the VEAgent
- Install the VEAgent
- Create a backup specification
- Use the different options of a backup specification
- Describe the different ways to restore a VM
Module 6: Power On and Live Migration
- Explain the concepts of the Data Protector Power On and Live Migration feature
- Perform Power On and Live Migration restores
- Identify the Power On and Live Migration limitations
Module 7: Data Protector VMware GRE
- Explain the concept of the DP VMware Granular Recovery Extension (GRE) module
- Describe cached and non-cached GRE
- Perform single file restores from backed up VMs using the VMware GRE module
Module 8: ZDB Integration for VMware
- Explain the VMware ZDB backup concept
- Configure the VMware ZDB backups in DP
- Restore VMs from a VMware ZDB backup
Module 9: Additional Features of Data Protector
- Describe the DP virtualization support matrices
- Explain the basic functionality of the VM Explorer
- Use the vepa_util.exe command
- Switch on debugging