Detaillierter Kursinhalt
Module 1: Course Overview
- dentify the contents and objectives of the course
- Define the class schedule and class logistics
- Identify the related courses
- Discuss the lab environment details
Module 2: Introduction to CMS
- Define CMS and ITIL
- Define the common providers and consumers of CMS
- Identify the components of Micro Focus CMS
- Identify the integration capabilities of Micro Focus CMS
- Define the Micro Focus Automated Service Modeling (ASM) component
Module 3: Introduction to UCMDB
- Define UCMDB
- Identify the capabilities and features of UCMDB
- Define the integration capabilities of UCMDB
- Define the architecture of UCMDB
- Describe the visualization, mapping, and discovery capabilities of UCMDB
- Describe the deployment options of UCMDB
- Define the UCMDB licensing
Module 4: CMS UI
- Access and use the CMS UI user interface
- Use the CMS UI search feature
- Use CMS UI information widgets
- Use the Resource Manager module
Module 5: Service Modeling in the CMS UI
- Define models and modeling in UCMDB
- Create a service model using assisted modeling
- Create a service model using automated service modeling (ASM)
- Work with a service model topology map
Module 6: Reports
- Identify CMS reports
- Use various custom reports
- Create and run basic reports
- Manage reports
- Use Query Designer to create topology reports
Module 7: IT UniverseManager
- Define the IT Universe Manager
- Identify IT Universe Manager common tasks
- Work with views
- Search for CIs
- Use IT Universe Manager to display a CI’s related CIs
- Add, update, and delete CIs with IT Universe Manager
Module 8: CIT Manager
- Define the UCMDB class model
- Identify the UCMDB class model components, including:
- CIs
- CI types (CITs)
- Relationship types
- Navigate the CI Type Manager
- Work with attributes
- Create a CI type
- Create a relationship type
Module 9: Introduction to Modeling Studio and TQL
- Describe the Modeling Studio
- Work with the Modeling Studio interface
- Define Topology Query Language (TQL) concepts
- Build TQLs with attribute, cardinality, element type, and identity conditions
- Use the Add Related Query Node wizard
Module 10: Creating Views and Topology Reports
- Define the concept of views
- Define the different types of views
- Create pattern views
- Create templates and template-based views
- Create topology reports
Module 11: Modeling in UCMDB UI
- Define models and modeling in CMS
- Create an instance-based model
- Create a pattern-based model
- Define and create perspectives
- Create perspective-based views
Module 12: Impact Analysis
- Define impact analysis
- View use cases of impact analysis
- Run impact analysis
- Navigate the Impact Analysis Manager
- Define an impact analysis rule
- Describe the TQL limitations for impact analysis queries
- Define out-of-the-box impact rules
- Define calculated relationships
Module 13: Policy Management
- Describe the purpose of policies
- Create and use policies via the CMS UI
Module 14: Enrichments
- Define enrichments
- List enrichment operations
- View examples of enrichments
- Navigate the Enrichment Manager
- Define Enrichment Manager UI elements
- Work with enrichments
- View OOTB enrichments
- Schedule enrichments
Module 15: Integrations
- Identify UCMDB integrations
- List UCMDB integrations as part of CMS
- Identify the integration technologies
- Define the integration types
- Navigate the Integration Studio
- Identify integration point, adapter, and job
Module 16: Reconciliation
- Understand the Reconciliation Engine
- List the reconciliation processes
- Explain the history of reconciliation
- Name the reconciliation types
- Use identification rules
- Understand how the reconciliation analyzer works